Module 3 – Independent

Kitesurfing upwind

Become an Independent Kitesurfer

You’ve mastered the waterstart and experienced your first gliding sensations?
All that’s left is to learn how to navigate.
Together, we’ll learn how to manage speed with the board, as well as the key fundamentals to achieve an efficient and elegant position on the water. Gradually, through edging and focus, you’ll learn how to ride upwind in kitesurfing.

To become an independent kitesurfer, you will also learn to master Self-Rescue, along with other essential skills to gain independence and progress.

In this module, we will learn:

Module 3 – Independent is for those who have mastered all the prerequisites of Module 2. Intermediate.

If you’re already an experienced independent kitesurfer, learn how to jump in kitesurfing and much more with Module 4.

Certification IKO !


At the end of this module, you will be certified as an independent kitesurfer!

This means you have the knowledge and skills to practice kitesurfing freely and autonomously.

You will then be able to consider renting or buying your first kitesurf equipment and start exploring the best kite spots around the world.

Certification Iko

Learning to ride upwind in kitesurfing

One of our main goals when we start kitesurfing will be to learn how to ride upwind effectively.

To achieve this and understand the finer details, we will use the appropriate equipment that allows us to easily focus on our position on the board, our gaze, and smooth kite control. These are definitely the keys to learning how to ride upwind efficiently.

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